Empty Regio-Box

Vending machines in healthcare institutions

In healthcare insti­tu­tions, vending machines are great for employees, patients and visitors alike. They can provide an attractive, econo­mical alter­native to cafeterias in hospitals, health centres or doctor’s offices. At Hensing, we can offer you a diverse range of models perfectly suited for healthcare purposes. You don’t need to take our word for it — just take look!

Get a consul­tation now

Fresh, fast, and always at your disposal

In almost any health care insti­tution, shift work comes with the job. Unfort­u­nately, this makes offering a healthy and balanced meal a challenge. Everyone’s constantly pressed for time, so long queues are a no-go. Also, cafeterias can’t remain open 24/7, so unless they prepare every­thing in advance, those on a night shift will have to stay hungry.

Frische Gemüsepfanne

Vending machines by Hensing are the ideal solution to his dilemma. You can simply fill them with classic snacks like chocolate bars, cookies and crisps, or make them more healthy by adding fresh fruit and vegetables, filled rolls and sandwiches as well as crisp salads. Thanks to the integrated cooling function, all products are sure to remain fresh for a long time. You can adjust shelf heights and widths to match your needs and product speci­fi­ca­tions. This way, you can treat your employees to snacks, small meals and a wide selection of drinks. 

Our optional telemetry-app allows you to check on supplies at all times and to initiate a restock as soon as supplies start running low.

Vending machines at hospitals

Patients and visitors will love them, too

Hospitals serve meals at fixed times. Patients and visitors therefore have a lot to gain from vending machines. If they’re hungry outside of cafeteria opening hours or in between meals, they can now get a small snack at a vending machine, and choose from many healthy and delicious options. Family members and friends will be relieved to know that they can always grab a delicious sandwich or a richly filled wrap to get them through the long waiting times.

Vending machines can also be equipped with little presents. Hensing’s Flora vending machine can even sell indivi­dually compiled bouqets!

Take a look at the HENSING Flora.
Bergisches Land

Snack machines for personnel, patients and visitors

You’ve made up your mind that you would like to set up a vending machine at your healthcare insti­tution? Great. Now, there are just a few more questions left: Do you want to use a single machine to serve patients, visitors and employees? Should hospital staff be allowed to get products from the machine for free? Vending machines by Hensing make it easy to implement these distinc­tions. Our systems can be tweaked to offer easy payment options to patients and visitors and free access to employees.Contact us for more information.

Get in touch now

Vending machines by Hensing

Impec­cable hygiene

Especially in a shift system, serving a healthy and balanced meal at every time of the day or night is hard. Cafeterias are usually only open at fixed hours, which means those on a nightshift have to stay hungry. Add to that the constant job pressure and you can easily see why no one has the time for laboriously prepared food.

Our latest addition

Corona machine for hygiene products 

Especially during the pandemic, demand for hygiene products has been on a high. Vending machines are the perfect solution to this problem. They can provide employees, patients and visitors with protective masks, disin­fec­tants, and other essential hygiene products. In hospitals, health centres or practises, suitable masks for covering mouth and nose need to be available at all times. A vending machine by Hensing is the perfect way to sell medical FFP2 and FFP3 masks as well as other hygiene products.

Questions? Just ask! It’s free.

Vending machines in healthcare institutions

Your benefits at one glance







Hensing Repair-Service

Keeping your machines in shape

Hospitals are busy places. Which means vending machines are constantly in use. They need to be fast and easy to use. But they should also be reliable enough to avoid any unnecessary dropouts or downtime. 

To get the most out of your machines, our repair service is there to help. Not only will we take care of any temporary hiccups. Optio­nally, we can also offer you regular maintenance in support of your vending machines to ensure they remain reliable for many, many years.

Get in touch now