Food vending machines from Hensing

Maximum function­ality and flexibility

Whether at the train station, at work or at school — we encounter food vending machines every­where in our everyday lives. While conven­tional candy vending machines and beverage vending machines are usually spiral vending machines, we at Hensing rely on a unique lift system for our vending machines that inter­con­nects different motors. This makes our self-service food vending machines one of the the most solid and reliable vending machines on the market, leaving nothing to be desired in terms of function­ality and flexibility.

See for yourself

Beverage- and snack vending machines for schools, offices and hotels

Food vending machines take over the direct marketing of your products in the self-service process. You can supply hungry guests with an assortment of drinks and snacks that you have put together yourself, without the need for new employees. Even fresh products find enough space in Hensing’s food vending machines and have a long shelf life thanks to optional integrated cooling.

Discover snack vending machines
Herr Anton 20 Fuss Container

The Regio-Box concept: Regional shopping at the vending machine

Die Nachfrage nach regio­nalen Produkten wächst stetig. Immer mehr Verbraucher kaufen frische Lebens­mittel direkt vom Bauernhof. M

The demand for regional products is growing steadily. More and more consumers are buying fresh food directly from the farm. With Hensing’s vending machine solutions, farmers are responding to their customers’ wishes. Self-service food vending machines offer the oppor­tunity to supply your customers with fresh food from the region. Whether fresh milk, eggs or honey — a fresh food vending machine supplies your customers with every­thing their hearts desire. This is direct marketing in the best sense.

it den Automa­ten­lö­sungen von Hensing tragen Landwirte dem Wunsch ihrer Kunden Rechnung. Selbst­be­die­nungs­au­to­maten für Lebens­mittel bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Kunden rund um die Uhr mit frischen Lebens­mitteln aus der Region zu versorgen und das ganz ohne personellen Einsatz. Ob frische Milch, Eier oder Honig – ein Frisch­wa­ren­au­tomat versorgt Ihre Kunden mit allem, was das Herz begehrt. Das ist Direkt­ver­marktung im besten Sinne.

Discover our Regio-Box

Maximum conve­nience for users and operators

The use of the food vending machines is extremely simple. An attractive product display gives the customer an overview of the product range. A selection can be made via the numeric keypad or a large touch screen, which offers suffi­cient space for additional product infor­mation. Payment is conducted by coin insertion or banknote reader. In addition, you have the option of equipping your food vending machine with a card reader, which further increases customer satisfaction.

The dispensing system also trans­ports sensitive products such as eggs and glass bottles to the dispensing tray safely. And to ensure that you can always keep an eye on the current inventory, our vending machines are optio­nally supplied with a telemetry app. This allows you to conve­ni­ently check your inventory in real time from your computer or smartphone.

Get in touch now

Your advan­tages at a glance

  • Lucrative direct marketing
  • Indepen­dence from price dumping
  • Individual confi­gu­ration
  • Maximum product variety in little space
  • Modularly expan­dable
  • Suitable as indoor and outdoor vending machine
  • Flexible use of location
  • Online stock check thanks to telemetry module
  • Available with cooling function

Discover our vending machines

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Were we able to arouse your interest?

With our food vending machines, every­thing has been thought of. You decide with which goods your vending machine should be equipped and how the individual compart­ments should be arranged. There are also no limits to your creativity when it comes to design. Stand out from your compe­titors with an indivi­dually designed food vending machine and retain customers with a highly functional and easy-to-use vending machine offering a wide range of products. We would be happy to provide you with compre­hensive advice on the various options. We look forward to your inquiry!

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